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Barack Obama Spam Mail with spy software

This one has got to deal with very own age old social engineering (Social engineering is a collection of techniques used to manipulate people into performing actions or divulging confidential information)which still clicks.
Now a days cyber criminals ,specifically spammers are increasingly using celebrities' names to tempt people into opening emails.They rely on the fact that we are indeed a curious species, and we do seem to have an unrelenting interest in scrutinizing the personal lives of politicians.So Mr. Barack Obama who is the junior United States Senator from Illinois and a candidate for the Democratic nomination has become eye candy for spammers. 
Specifically three types spam mails relating to him are currently circulating in the internet.

1.Barack Obama Sex tape spam

2.Barack Obama Survey Gas Card spam
3.Barack Obama Transexual affair spam

Let's come to the first one

1.Barack Obama sex tape spam mail as the name says typically persuades recipients to open the attachment included by fooling them in to thinking it leads to a sex ta
pe starring Barack Obama.
Even his biggest supporters would surely baulk at seeing him indulging in some bedroom As would his detractors, surely.

When the unwitting and novice user clicks onDownload and view now button he will never get the stuff that lured him.What he gets is a gift of a trojan horse known as Mal/Hupig-D.

2.According to Trend Micro, a new email currently circulating, asks the recipient to participate in a survey with the gratifying moulder being a chance to win a free $500 gas card. We all love contests, and with the chance to win $500 in gas, who wouldn’t click on the link. Good old social engineering ,huh !!

But here’s the pitfall; click on the link and you arrive on the, web site which is a distributor of malware under the best of circumstances.

The prominent “Always Free” button on this site, if clicked, will lead to a request that you download an ActiveX control which, when downloaded, will begin the process of installing the ADW_MYWEBSEARCH Trojan on your system.

3.Barack Obama Transexual affair spam mail gives a link which purportedly leads to a video of Barack Obama disclosing his transsexual affairs.Those that are gullible enough to follow this link will be enticed to download the file - Barack_Obama-videostream.v182.exe - which has been classified as a malware agent -BKDR_AGENT.ABTQ.

So what does make thes spam mails so feared ??
Ans: They are designed to drop malicious code, including rootkits, password stealers, trojan horses, and spam bots on our computers. Malicious code that can lead to identity theft and the theft of your passwords,bank account numbers, and other personal information.


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