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Hacking through USB

universal serial bus is a well known secondary storage device... can u think of its use for hacking and stealing passwords. It plays same important role in hacking world like every computer user's world.
Hey frnds....
now m going to post a few interesting  and easy tricks to hack through USB. Could you think of a software which when installed on your USB disk and that disk is plugged on any computer silently copies all private information..
USB dumper.

YES there is a tool named USB DUMPER for this purpose. lets have a look on it. As it is GUI, its simple to use. And is capable to copy all the sensitive information within seconds silently.
USB DUMPER 2.2 is out and can be downloaded free of cost.
USB Switch blades 

It contains a malicious program that recovers information from windows system such as passwords, Hashes , IP Information , Browser history etc and also create the backdoor to the system for later access.
It can be used easily if attacker has physical access to target system. This uses windows autorun program to run it and steal information. If autorun feature is OFF it won't work otherwise it cant be detected by any antivirus program.Specifically, how to do it: 
Here is a rule being defined in FileSure Defend, blocking reading of program files, batch files, script files, (anything that could be malicious code) from any removable drive and applying the rule to all users.
Of course, you could choose specific files, things in a certain folder, different users or groups, times of day, or more to pinpoint exactly what you are trying to accomplish with the USB write block.
Whatever choice of security you choose, FileSure records the activity, can alert on it, reports on it and archives it centrally forever in an encrypted data store.
3rd is MY USB ONLY :-  Is a device that you can use to protect your self and your pc against USB attacks.

It Prevents data theft by blocking all but allow your trusted USB storage devices. It Secretly logs all USB connect and disconnect activity.

Secretly log all USB connect, disconnect and files/folders copied, modified, deleted activity

Get an email or syslog notification message when an unauthorized USB storage device is connected to your PC
Run it invisibly, so you can catch, as well as deter, problem coworkers, visitors, family members, or manager.


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